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This SOP establishes policies and procedures concerning the swimming facility, provides guidelines for personnel utilizing such a facility, and assigns responsibility for the operation of the facility.
Greenhill’s outdoor pool, 675 Bittersweet, Junction City, KS.
The pool is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily from 13 May-15 September 2024.
The 6"black circle at the deep end of the pool must be visible for swimming to take place.
The total maximum bather load is thirty-six (36) people.
Chain of supervision:
Pool Manager- Raymond Murray (812)480-0844
Pool Committee Member, Steve Hudson (785)223-1412
Pool Committee Member, Jennifer Teetzen (208)405-8067
Pool Committee Member, Lori Lacer (785)375-8977
HOA Vice President, Larry Schmidt (785)375-4693
Hoa President, Jason Mead (913)775-2447
Owner: Shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities.
Member: Shall mean and refer to every person or entity entitled to membership in the association as provided in the Declaration.
Owner in Good Standing: is an owner in the Greenhill’s Homeowners Association (HOA) whose assessments and fines are paid in full and whose membership privileges (including the use of the clubhouse, pool, tennis court and the right to bring guests to those facilities) have not been revoked.
Guest: is a non-member who is allowed access to Greenhill’s facilities when accompanied by a member.
The Board of Directors and Pool Manager have the authority to enforce all rules and to dismiss anyone from the premises for violations and misconduct. Repeated violations will incur penalties as follows:
(1) First offense: Letter to HOA Member
(2) Second offense: Termination of pool privileges for the remainder of the year.
Admittance to the pool area is by issued key only. Tammy Lee-Rall (714-483-4412) issues the key to the HOA member. There is a $25 replacement fee for lost keys.
Each owner is entitled to bring no more than four (4) guests at a time to the pool, regardless of the number of residents in the owner’s family, four guests per owner, not four guests per resident or family member. - HOA owners -having visiting family contact the HOA president -for an exception to the policy. The HOA member must be present at the pool and is responsible for any damage incurred. A renter who’s been given Homeowners’ rights to use the pool CANNOT bring guests.
Guests will adhere to all regulations and policies.
HOA owner must remain with his/her guest at all times in the pool area. Guests must depart with the sponsor.
Homeowners’ children in residence and 16 years or over in age are allowed to use the pool without the HOA owner present and must carry ID. They may bring (1) sibling or one (1) guest. No one under 16 is allowed on pool property without a member or immediate family member 16 years or over present or a babysitter/nanny/daycare provider caring for the child/children of a homeowner who has been given approval by the HOA Board.
General Regulations
There is NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY! Swim at your own risk! You should never swim alone!
NO diving!
NO running, shoving, dunking or other forms of horseplay will be permitted anywhere within the facility.
Glass objects are not allowed in the pool area
NO food or drinks in the pool.
NO animals on the deck, pool, or restrooms.
Smoking/Chewing tobacco is not allowed in the gated area
Individuals who have a respiratory disease, communicable disease, skin discharge/drainage of any kind of illness are not permitted to enter the pool
Swim diapers are required for children who are not toilet trained.
The pool management reserves the right to disapprove of any and all personal equipment in the pool due to safety and sanitation factors.
Swimming underwater for extended distances and holding breath underwater for extended periods of time will not be allowed
All patrons must wear proper swimming attire in the pool.
In the event of inclement weather, swimmers are to clear the pool during the storm and for at least thirty (30) minutes after lighting and/or thunder has ceased.
Balloons are not allowed in the pool area.
The volume level of radios and other sound-producing equipment must not disturb others in the pool area.
Profanity and other inappropriate forms of behavior will not be tolerated in the pool area.
No extension cords in the gated area.
Food is prohibited in the pool. Food/Drink service facilities shall not be located within twelve feet of the inner edge of the pool deck. Individual drinks may be brought to the edge of the pool only.
The set-up of any tent, canopy, sun shield screen or any other shade providing structure, inside or outside of the gated area must be approved by the Board at least one month prior to the event taking place. No structure will be attached to the pool fence, pergolas, benches, clubhouse or pumphouse.
Special Instructions
Pool operation, maintenance, and chemical supervision are the responsibility of the Pool Manager or qualified pool personnel.
Should a person vomit in the pool the pool should be cleared. Check chlorine and ph. All particles and debris should be removed. The pool will re-open when the manager or representative determines all is ok for swimming.
If a solid fecal incident occurs the pool should be closed for at least 30 minutes with a chlorine level of 3 ppm. The pool will reopen after cleanup and the 30 minute wait time.
If a diarrheal fecal incident occurs the pool will be closed. The chlorine level should be raised to 20 ppm for 13 hours, pH level should be 7.5, and water temperature should be 77 degrees. The pool may reopen after chemical levels return to normal levels.
Minimum free chlorine should be 1.0 and a maximum of 3.0 and with a pH of approximately 7.2 – 8.0. If chlorine is < the minimum or > the maximum or a pH reading is< 7.2 or >8.0 adjustments must be made.
(Original signed)
President, Greenhill’s Homeowners’ Association
Board Approved 28 March 2024